
Dell XPS 15z features and details

Dell XPS series has turn into one of the well-liked model laptop for business use lately.Dell XPS's practically a few hairs thicker than a 15-inch MacBook Pro, wider, and at 5.54 pounds, it weighs functionallythe same. It is, however, assemble of aluminum and magnesium alloy and carries some beautiful peppy silicon inside, and the base model really does ring up at $999.

The 15z makes tradeoffs in presentation for extras. Processor selection are limited to dual Core i5 and i7 processors instead of the quad i7s of the inspiration. Every model complete it with a 1080p, 300-nit screen as well as a 750GB, 7,200RPM hard drive and 2GB GeForce GT 525M video.

Because of the slower processors, prices in Australia start at $1,399 AUD ($1,470 US) for a 2.3GHz Core i5 and 6GB of RAM. A second $1,699 AUD ($1,786 US) mode upgrades to a 2.7GHz Core i7 and 8GB of RAM. European and North American releases are expected as each country crosses over into the morning for their respective time zones.

Tags: Dell XPS 15z, Latest Laptops in India, Laptop Prices in India, Dell XPS 15z laptops, Dell XPS 15z Vostro laptops, Dell XPS 15z cost, Dell XPS 15z Specifications, Dell XPS 15z Review, Dell XPS 15z Laptop Prices, Dell XPS 15z cost, Dell XPS 15z in india, Dell XPS 15z prices in india, Dell XPS 15z Laptop review, Dell XPS 15z HD Laptop, Dell XPS 15z specs, Dell XPS 15z Features, Dell XPS 15z Reviews in India.


